Die Maschine des Ichs

Die Maschine des Ichs

The mul­ti­me­dia-per­for­mance Die Maschi­ne des Ichs ari­si­s­es from thoughts and ide­as around the unseizable phe­no­me­na of human iden­ti­ty. Arran­ged as an immersi­ve spa­ti­al sys­tem of inter­ac­ti­ve light sources, inter­wea­ving sound- and video-emana­ti­ons as well as phy­si­cal expres­si­ons – Die Maschi­ne des Ichs pro­ces­ses the nar­ra­ti­ve of a con­ti­nuous beco­ming as a live-per­for­mance.

For­mu­la­ting the „con­di­cio huma­na“ as within per­ma­nent com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and ongo­ing inter­ac­tion of the self and the other (being in the world) – Die Maschi­ne des Ichs aims to arti­cu­la­te the incom­pre­hen­si­ble per­cep­ti­on of iden­ti­ty as a meta­pho­ri­cal trans­la­ti­on of per­so­nal inter­pre­ta­ti­ons.

Team: Sebas­ti­an Klemm (con­cept, artis­tic direc­tion, per­for­mance), Tho­mas Kusitz­ky (sound-editing and -pro­gramming), Ber­nard Zös­mayr (video-pro­gramming), insti­tut andor ìro (cos­tu­mes), a-2-r media gbr (sound- and light-equip­ment)