The multimedia-performance Die Maschine des Ichs arisises from thoughts and ideas around the unseizable phenomena of human identity. Arranged as an immersive spatial system of interactive light sources, interweaving sound- and video-emanations as well as physical expressions – Die Maschine des Ichs processes the narrative of a continuous becoming as a live-performance.
Formulating the „condicio humana“ as within permanent communication and ongoing interaction of the self and the other (being in the world) – Die Maschine des Ichs aims to articulate the incomprehensible perception of identity as a metaphorical translation of personal interpretations.
Team: Sebastian Klemm (concept, artistic direction, performance), Thomas Kusitzky (sound-editing and -programming), Bernard Zösmayr (video-programming), institut andor ìro (costumes), a-2-r media gbr (sound- and light-equipment)